to Club Services©'
SITE SELECTIONS Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it. Let me ask you: Have you seen ads which offer free domain registration? Have you been tempted by packages which promise free web space? Do you have the material to put in that free space? Don't forget: You don't get something for nothing! Even at levels of fission and fusion, there is always a price. Selling you a parking space does not mean you have a car! Here, we create, upload, and maintain your site for you. Your site is your property, but we do the planting, cultivating and maintenance. It is very possible, under our conditions, for clients to own a web site and not have a single iota of code, script or or software mastery. If you want a commercial site, let us move your items for you via our Secure Server. Of course the extent and method of your access to your site is 100% up to you. Some clients share ideas and concepts, then select from our minimum four choice proposal. Others prefer to log on and edit and upload on their own. All that matters
to me is that you are completely satisfied. Here is my secret formula:
I mean to serve you by discerning your desire.
I intend to win and hold your patronage with excellent, timely, and economical
product. In order to get started though, I need you to take
that first step: Our specialty is that rock solid and simple deliverable which runs on more than just the latest machines. Our users don't have to download extensions or patches to view your site. Browser upgrades are not needed. We know many users operate computers which essentially qualify as antiques. (More than seven years old!) Our code loads easy and fast, pleases the eye, and fosters instinctive, user friendly navigation. We're particularly sensitive to the needs of our Disabled Americans. There is no good reason to effectively deny access to such a large segment of your potential readers. At prices well below standard, Club Services© is ready to create your web site right now. Thank you for taking the time to read this note! Let me hear from you real soon now ... OK? Narayana Devi Dasi Click
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