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HERE for home page. One friend told me I'm blind (I asked him his opinion) ... because, he guessed, (at my behest) I (me) must have "looked at something I should not have." This scary territory includes "who's not speaking about themselves?" Devotees advised me to convey to Srila Bhaktipada (who gave me the name, Srila Jiva Goswami dasa) that I was is am blind. I'd thought, if Srila Bhaktipada considered such things were important, he'd have told me. On the other hand, what the Devotees indicated was right and fair: For something to be treated as known, it helps to speak it. This seemed a reasonable and sound reason for communication. "You don't look like you're blind," people tell me. That is a good thing. "Thank you." By His car door, I said, asked, spoke, "Srila Bhaktipada, I've been advised to tell you I am blind." "Get glasses." This could be construed as a qualifying answer. By definition, corrective lenses do not bring visual acuity over the legal threshold of sighted citizenry. 20/400s or better as they say. There was no reasonable response. Srila Bhaktipada looked over at me and squinted in a way that seemed to contain light ... as opposed to ... squinting to avoid same. "See a doctor," He stated. He gave the top of the steering wheel a light smack ... as if closing a book. I'd been up and down through and through along and about courses of voluntary medical exposition in exchange for hopeful resolution. Having agreed in my heart that it was right to declare this, I went on. "I've done that ..." came my reply. Hoping the inference would be accepted. Not that. Srila Bhaktipada nodded. Srila Bhaktipada looked at me in a way that I felt was warm and kind. He cocked His Head. Here would come a True Answer. I knew it. That was what I was "here" for. "Then learn to develop your Spiritual Vision," He said. The whole tone was different. Kind. A requested order offered kindly and directly ~ Handed down as a deeply personal and meaningful choice. He put the car in Drive. Looked down the road, then back at me. He was smiling broadly. I hoped He knew how much I'd just been helped. That was it. Equation completed, if one can stand it. Matter ... animated by Spirit. What you supposedly can and can not do. What you will or won't do!! Who you are and Whom you are not. Now I believe this blindness is a gift for one who would not see. A Gift From The One Infinitely Possessed of Absolute Humor. Dear Prabhu, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare! Well meaning Devotees have told me I should renounce Srila Bhaktipada. I believe I'll never do that! He only ever told me that which is firmly rooted in the Sampradaya. If you had appendicitis, and a doctor removed your appendix, then subsequently that same doctor underwent accusations of impropriety, would you expect me to try to undo that operation? Srila Bhaktipada to me is the Via Medium to the magnificent teachings of Srila Prabhupada... Once, in one fixed up moment, I dreamt I was chanting Gayatri and in this dream, I tried to bring all the sincerity and devotion I could muster to the chanting. In this dream, Srila Bhaktipada appeared, and I chanted harder and more fervently. Then Srila Bhaktipada's features changed in this dream, and He was replaced by Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada looked right down at me and smiled. He said, "Yes..." very slowly. I was shocked like it was lightning. I woke up! I called out! Srila Prabhupada! It was a dream. I sank back. I fell asleep. I forgot. That morning, during Guru Puja, I had the opportunity to offer incense to Srila Bhaktipada. And as I was doing this, following the proscribed course, all at once, I remembered that dream! And I almost saw! For a blinding fraction of a second, I almost could see! The effect was physical. The effect was spiritual. Devotees tell of the time Srila Prahbupada, founder of the Krsna Consciousness movement, declared the presence of many temples here in the United States, and everywhere. When the apparent lack of temples was cited, Srila Prabhupada is said to have said, "They are not here yet ... one has to have the eyes to see." (Words to that effect.) It is explained this means what was in the spiritual future is already manifest ... one has to know how to look. As actions pave the way for fate, and the present springs from the past, so is the future coupled with the present. One may look down on a boat in the ocean ... see by the wake the direction from which it came ... and is going. In this way, I pray I'll never forget. Srila Bhaktipada is to me eternally that Via Medium. Nothing can or should change this fact. He is my Guru His Grace is passed on. Hare
Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare! |
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